28 Nisan 2012 Cumartesi

Jail Break Tomorrow

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LONG POST. Please don't feel the need to read this. Many have asked me for the details and this is an easy way to do it. As most of you know that read this blog, this pregnancy threw us a curve ball almost two weeks ago. As my last post mentioned, I have been on moderate bed rest. I went in about three weeks ago and my doctor told me, "Good news, taking it easy has worked" and that I was measuring great now. In fact, they even gave us the go ahead to travel to Sun Valley ID. We were still very nervous to travel but finally decided that with several doctors giving us the green light and being early enough in the pregnancy that we hadn't reached the cut off for traveling, we would go. Our flight left early Thursday but on Wednesday night, bags packed and ready to go, we made a trip into the hospital because I was having a few contractions. When they checked me we were shocked to find out that I was now dilated to 2cm and my cervix length had drastically shortened from our last appointment not even a week earlier. We weren't going anywhere and became scared to death that this little boy was going to come WAY too early.

We were admitted to the hospital and after an IV of fluid and 3 shots of a drug called terbutaline (makes the uterus relax and your heart pound out of your chest) the contractions slowed down. Not for long though. The next night they picked back up to three minutes apart, then one minute, and by the time they rushed me from the high risk perinatal unit to labor and delivery they were 30 seconds apart. This is where I lost it. I didn't think they would be able to stop him from coming and I knew it was WAY too early. I was scared to death. Camden was born at 37 weeks and his lungs were not ready. He was in the NICU and without going into details, I'll just say that seeing your baby through plastic with a million tubes in him was the hardest thing I've ever had to go through and I wasn't prepared to go through it again.

They started me right away on a drug called magnesium. This is a last resort drug they use to stop labor. Everyone warned me what a horrible drug this was and the awful side effects that came along with it for the mom. They were right! It made my body shake and feet numb because I was so cold but then my face was on fire and I couldn't stop sweating. My eye sockets ached and I couldn't focus or see anything. Last of all I had a splitting head ache and felt like the room was spinning. Fun right?!

It was a miserable 30 hours. The magnesium is so strong and potent that it actually infiltrated through my veins three times, making them start a new IV each time. After 24 hours they lowered my dose but my contractions started back up right away. They decided to keep me on the higher dose for another 6 hours. By 6am on Sunday they finally took me off it. As happy as I was to be off it, Justin and I were preparing ourselves that he would most likely be born that day. Then a miracle happened. The contractions spread way out. I slept for the next 10 hours and woke up feeling pretty much back to myself. They took me back up to the high risk area and this is where I've been ever since. In a cute little green and blue room with a window and a chair/bed for Justin by my side. I'm still having contractions but for the most part they are spread out. Tomorrow I will be 34 weeks! My doctor said she will check me and if I haven't dilated any more, they will send me home on bedrest. HOME! There isn't a whole lot they can do for me at this point to stop the labor anyway. The risk of the drugs now outweigh the benefits of delaying labor.

They've told me not to get my hopes up just in case they need to keep me longer but all I can think about is having Camden with me all day instead of just visiting between his naps. Although they would never admit it I know that it's been so hard on my mom and husband. My mom has been amazing taking care of Camden, making us meals, and driving to and from the hospital twice a day. Justin sat next to me holding my hand for two days in a dark room while I was on the magnesium not even leaving to get food. He has spent every night on a horrible bed and tries to divide his time between taking care of me, Camden and getting things ready for our baby. I've just been amazed at how many people have gone out of their way to visit and bring things to keep me busy. That's the only reason I still have a little of my sanity left! It's hard not to feel so humbled and thankful for incredible family and friends.

Every day that he stays in here cooking is a huge blessing. I hope he can hold out even a few more weeks. Although I'll admit I'm still so scared of him being in the NICU I feel more prepared and know that the situation could be much worse for him. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. I know that's what has gotten us to this point. Now I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that I can bust out of here tomorrow and keep this little guy from coming a little longer!

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