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Camden had a pretty fun birthday weekend! I can't believe we have a 2 year old. He LOVES firetrucks so that's the theme we went with this year for his little party.

This is the reaction when the flame went out. We lit it again.

And then he cheered for himself when he blew it out again.

If you ask him how old he is, he yells TWO! We're still working on the right number of fingers. He has to hold the other fingers down to get two.

Of course we celebrated his birthday at "the frog park", Camden's favorite. That's what he calls it because they have a pond with lots of turtles and frogs.

I had to put a picture in here of the cake BEFORE the party since the back got smashed and the frosting melted off as soon as we got to the park. My dad helped me with it the night before.
Dad: "It needs a grill"
Me: "What's a grill?"
Clearly I needed all the help I could get!

After cake, looking for frogs, and playing all over the playground Camden got to play baseball, soccer and football with his grandpas.

The partying didn't stop with just that day. We loved having my parents here for Camden's birthday. We celebrated all week with more parks...

A baseball game in Baltimore. Go O's!!!

This picture cracks me up. Check out his black eye! Poor guy hit his check on our table doing his spin moves. He is clearly more into the game here than we are.

And a bunch of other fun things that I didn't take pictures of. Happy Birthday Camden!!!
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