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This is long overdue because I've had a really hard time writing this post. On Saturday March 5th, we lost our nephew Trevor Searle. He was in a long boarding accident and hit his head. Since Trev's "relocation" as my brother (Trevor's dad) puts it, we have realized even more what an impact he had on everyone who knew him and even many that didn't know him. So many people have come forward with funny and sweet stories about him and how he changed their lives for the better. To describe our Trev the words happy, care free and loving come to mind. Even as a tiny infant he had this desire to make everyone laugh. I remember babysitting him this one time before he could even talk. I was sitting in the corner, arms on my knees pouting that I wasn't going out with the adults. Little blue eyed blond totaled up to me and got and inch from my face making funny noises and smiling as big as he could. It took all of two seconds before I was cracking up and hugging him. Of all the memories I have with Trevor for some reason that one comes back in my mind over and over. Maybe because I have a little boy about that age. Maybe because to me that is the epitome of who he was. He would notice someone sad and have to make them smile. He was always smiling and joking around. He was extremely close with his mom and dad. Justin and I had talked about how we can raise our kids to develop the kind of love, respect and friendship that Trevor had with his dad Ryan and mom Steph. He is the only teenage boy I knew that always wanted his dad to hang out with him and his friends and would text his mom at least once a day to tell her he loved her. He was never embarrassed to be who he was. People were drawn to him and wanted to be his friend.

Trev and Ry would ride like this, arm in arm or holding hands all the time. The rest of us always thought it was hilarious. Now I just think how great it was that he was so close with his dad.

He was an Eagle Scout.

I'm so grateful we got to spend time with him and have him in our lives

This is a memorial that his friends and students set up for him on the hill that the accident happened. There were messages written in chalk all up and down the road.

I wish Camden could have known his cousin longer but I'm so thankful he was able to meet him.

This is Ry out front with all of Trevor's buddies riding behind him. His friends told us that Trev was the best rider out of any of them and was always the one leading. I think that it was Ryan's therapy. He did the hill over and over again every day and still goes down it in memory of Trevor.

A lot of the students had this on their arms. Instead of RIP it said RIA. They said Trev was never very peaceful:). He was more of a wild man so RIA stood for "Rest In Awesomeness".

Trevor usually had this ramp in the back of his truck at all times. The high school put it in the library and let students sign it. Then our family got to come in and see it. It was really neat to read all the amazing comments about him.

This is Ry with his other two sons- Tate and Trey.

These signs were posted all over the school. It kind of became a saying- "Live Like Trevor".

A bunch of students got "cool kicks like Trevor would wear" and wrote all over them things about Trevor.

The pallbearers wore skate shoes with their suites.

Never will a day go by that we won't think about Trevor. I tell myself all the time to "Live like Trevor". He was an example to us while he was on this earth and he continues to teach us now that he has passed. How thankful I am that I know we will all be together again some day. I love you Trev.
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